Currently playing around and testing the ActivityPub plugin for WordPress, with the latest PR so its also working with ClassicPress v2. Lets see how far this is gonna work out. For better or worse, there should now be a toot with image attached, with a useful alt text, plus some fancy tags (if the plugin […]
Category: ClassicPress
ClassicPress v2 becoming reality
The refork of WordPress, that was decided in late 2022, which is going to be ClassicPress v2.0, is happening right now. Its based on WP 6.2 and does not contain Gutenborg (ie. the Block Editor), but compatiblity layers for allowing “regular” block-focused plugins to continue working. So CP 1.6 is supposed to be the last […]
i18n changes to the site
So I finally decided to disable Bogo, which has been a shoddy solution from the very start. But now its a shoddy solution only supporting the other shoddy, WP-6-only solution, ie. Gutenborg. Tried a few workarounds, but in the end, its wasted time and efforts to get this shoddy piece really working. Hence I’m probablly […]
Micro-Plugin: Mastodon Profile Verification Link
Just finished building a quick micro plugin for ClassicPress and WordPress, which allows you to add a verification link pointing back to your mastodon profile. But not to just one, but to ALL your potential profiles (eg. I got two: one for my main stuff, and the other is for DJing + artsy fartsy). Lazy […]
Neue Sendung: Code of Dark Joy
Morgen, also eigentlich heute, d.h. Donnerstag, 18. März 2021, werde ich den ersten Testlauf für meine neue Sendung namens Code of Dark Joy machen. Selbige ist spezifisch aufs Live Coding, also Programmierung, ausgelegt. Es wird dennoch Musik enthalten, da wir uns erstmal vornehmlich auf Themen wie “ein schönes Interface für und in OBS bauen” und […]
New show: Code of Dark Joy
Tomorrow, ie. Thursday, 18th of March, 2021, I gonna start the first test run of my new show called Code of Dark Joy, which is specifically aimed towards live coding. It’s still gonna contain the element of music, as a lot of it focused on the topics of building up your OBS interface and its […]
Things to do in 2021
A random collection of a bunch of things I want to do this year, ie. 2021 🙂
No tweets, no game!
Just been searching around for a proper twitter feed widget. One, that does not just pull in the Twitter JS API and expode everyone to it. Or grab the Twitter Widget, which is equally bad (just a different type of JS package). Either its “buy me buy me! maximum mega pro premium edition” (which gots […]