Freshly up on Mixcloud: Yesterdays pop-up (October 1st, 2021) Extra Edition. Been waiting to do this one for over two weeks – hence the pop-up stream 😀
Category: DJ
Extra Edition: And in the end, everything was silent …
All these things, they fit very well together. That sad, sad post punk, that depressive punk rock, and that very very .. mellowing .. atmospheric black metal. They so much fit, fit my moods so very well. Dont they with yours, too?
Thoughts about the future ..
.. or what to do with all my online thingies 🙂 Beware: An essay of sorts. So recently, when dabbling into live coding, and seeing almost nobody except regular listeners (to my shows) around, I decided to dig back into “how to promote stuff”. After all, next to nobody knows I’m also doing “this live […]
Code of Dark Joy #2
Auf zur nächsten Ausgabe von Code of Dark Joy 🙂 Live programming / herumfriemeln mit Web- und Streaming-Kram, dunklem Tee und ein bisserl Musick 🙂 Die Pläne für die heutige Sendung wie folgt: 1 – 2 kleine DJ-Sets – das erste zu Beginn, das zweite am Ende 🙂 Onboarding mit etwas Blah über die Sendung […]
It’s not all gold: Bits, Subs & Tips at Twitch
Pre-amble: A quick breakdown on what the streamer earns (if any) within the Twitch environment. First, there is a difference between affiliates and partners. Also, not all partners are equal, nor are the affiliates. Note: You may also voluntarly choose not to become affiliate or partner at all, eg. because direct tips shave off much […]
Things to do in 2021
A random collection of a bunch of things I want to do this year, ie. 2021 🙂
Back from the future
Yeeess .. this site is back, finally! And for the future, there is going to be a bit more content and blah about this twitching thing called DJing live, Twitch and other atrocities 🙂 For starters, I am gonna describe my current DJ setup, and next, potential uses for non-webradio DJs, eg. an audio loop […]