Going down the rabbit hole: A journey into how I do research. Or: The start of a bookmark dump series 🙂 So, things that happen daily, almost all the time – when I’m researching a specific topic, my browser instance may get crammed to the brim with open tabs. Thanks to that, I’m an avid […]
Author: fwolf
Thoughts about the future ..
.. or what to do with all my online thingies 🙂 Beware: An essay of sorts. So recently, when dabbling into live coding, and seeing almost nobody except regular listeners (to my shows) around, I decided to dig back into “how to promote stuff”. After all, next to nobody knows I’m also doing “this live […]
Code of Dark Joy #2
Auf zur nächsten Ausgabe von Code of Dark Joy 🙂 Live programming / herumfriemeln mit Web- und Streaming-Kram, dunklem Tee und ein bisserl Musick 🙂 Die Pläne für die heutige Sendung wie folgt: 1 – 2 kleine DJ-Sets – das erste zu Beginn, das zweite am Ende 🙂 Onboarding mit etwas Blah über die Sendung […]
Neues DJ-/Streaming-Setup 2021
Um zumindest eine Kiste optional zu machen, und die generelle Infrastruktur auf aktuelleren Stand zu bringen, wird das künftige DJ-/Workstation-Setup wie folgt aussehen: Workstation – Ryzen 7 3700X DJ/OBS/Streaming-System – ThinkPad P50 Mit der neuen Workstation wird das schon etwas ältliche ThinkPad T520p in den Vorruhestand geschickt, d.h. zum alternativen Webradio-DJing-System umgerüstet. Workstation: Die neue […]
Neue Sendung: Code of Dark Joy
Morgen, also eigentlich heute, d.h. Donnerstag, 18. März 2021, werde ich den ersten Testlauf für meine neue Sendung namens Code of Dark Joy machen. Selbige ist spezifisch aufs Live Coding, also Programmierung, ausgelegt. Es wird dennoch Musik enthalten, da wir uns erstmal vornehmlich auf Themen wie “ein schönes Interface für und in OBS bauen” und […]
New show: Code of Dark Joy
Tomorrow, ie. Thursday, 18th of March, 2021, I gonna start the first test run of my new show called Code of Dark Joy, which is specifically aimed towards live coding. It’s still gonna contain the element of music, as a lot of it focused on the topics of building up your OBS interface and its […]
Work in Progress: Aftercare for shows
This just depicts what I do for after I’m done with a show – all of them are being recorded, and when I find time, are being uploaded to Mixcloud. Each one gets a specific cover, and lately, also a specific title, which is being selected during listening to the recording. Whenever I write a […]
It’s not all gold: Bits, Subs & Tips at Twitch
Pre-amble: A quick breakdown on what the streamer earns (if any) within the Twitch environment. First, there is a difference between affiliates and partners. Also, not all partners are equal, nor are the affiliates. Note: You may also voluntarly choose not to become affiliate or partner at all, eg. because direct tips shave off much […]
Things to do in 2021
A random collection of a bunch of things I want to do this year, ie. 2021 🙂
Rumbustion Decembre 2020
Freshly uploaded to Mixcloud: The recording of the December 2020 show of Rumbustion .. the show where I play anything that rocks my boat, but primarly electronic music 🙂